Take a look at how to test keyword demand by using this handy step-by-step guide using a few of the available online tools.
Step 1 – First things first: create an account. Once you have done this you will have 20 free queries available per month using Moz.
Step 2 – Type in your first keyword query.
Step 3 – Analyse the data provided.
Moz Explorer tells you how often a keyword term or phrase is searched for in Google each month and gives your keyword a difficulty score from 0 – 100 that estimates how difficult it will be for you to rank higher than competitors on the first page of search results. It also estimates the percentage of clicks and gives you a priority score that will inform you about whether or not a keyword has a high priority, factoring in click through rates and difficulty.
Moz provides you with related body keyword suggestions and what you should potentially focus on when creating your content. This is based on what is searched for most often on a monthly basis.
Moz Explorer also shows you the top ranked pages as well as page titles and URLs containing your keyword.
You can create a keyword list so that you can organize, plan and compare what keywords to focus on and prioritise.
Google Trends immediately gives you six examples of keywords that are trending. It also allows you to keep up with the latest trending searches.
To learn more about a specific keyword simply type your keyword into the search bar provided.
You then have the ability to compare keywords, select the country of your target market and view the interest of your keyword over a specified period of time. It also shows you the specific regions where your keyword generates the most interest and provides you with related topics and commonly search queries.
Wordtracker’s Free Basic Keyword Demand
Wordtracker’s free keyword research tool helps you come up with thousands of long tail keywords. You are also able to save keyword lists.
Step 1 – Enter in your keyword, select the time period you wish to view data for and select your territory.
Step 2 – Analyse the data of each body and long tail keyword provided based on your search. You are provided with the number of times the keyword has been searched for, a count of webpages on which the keyword appears, as well as the amount of competition and popularity a specific keyword has.
Wordtracker also gives you the top search results and the top Amazon search suggestions for your keyword.
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