Studies show that it takes a full day to recover for each timezone you travel through. While you may not be able to avoid jetlag altogether when travelling across multiple timezones, here are a few tried and tested ways to alleviate the symptoms.
Reschedule your bedtime before you leave
Slowly get your body used to a new schedule by altering your bedtime for at least four days before you travel. If you’re traveling east, start moving your bedtime earlier and vice versa if you’re travelling west. You will find it easier to adjust if you have a more relaxed routine around eating and sleeping when travelling to a destination that is several hours out from what you’re used to. Try to get a good night’s sleep before you fly.
Set your watch
Set your watch to the time at your destination when you board your flight so that you can psychologically align yourself with your new routine.
Stay hydrated
Drink plenty of water before, during and after your flight and avoid stimulants such alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol and caffeine not only disrupt your sleep but dehydrate you as well.
Stretch your legs, walk around and do regular static exercises while on the flight to maintain healthy blood circulation. It’s also important to wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
Take melatonin
Take a melatonin supplement to help regulate your circadian rhythm. Melatonin is a much better way to regulate your sleep cycle compared to sleeping pills, which will only make you more fuzzy and tired.
Eat healthy
Avoid eating high carb and fatty foods close to bedtime.
Daytime vs nighttime arrival
Try to book a flight that gets you to your destination in the morning. Stay awake for the full day and only go to sleep at night.
Get us much sunlight as possible at your destination to boost your levels of Vitamin D and make you feel better in general.
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