Unlike the ‘dark web’, there is nothing sinister about dark fibre. It is simply the term used to describe unused fibre optic cables that are leased from an internet service provider to a company. They are said to be ‘dark’ because the fibre connections are not currently being used, so no light pulses pass through the cables.
This system is used by information and communication technology (ICT) companies to improve business networking and communications. It can be found in major cities around South Africa, allowing businesses to improve the flexibility and management of their own networks. This comprises complete network design and routing control, as well as managed fibre and break-fix services.
Why businesses need dark fibre

Enterprises can utilise dark fibre to build a privately-managed network, instead of purchasing more bandwidth or extending their current leased lines. Both ends of the fibre link are owned by the same company, which means that it may be implemented with the latest protocols for an enhanced experience.
These technologies are ideal for businesses that require excellent performance as well as large network capabilities. Video conferencing and e-commerce have become essential components of modern business, but organisations want a dependable and secure network to ensure that these services are available at all times. Dark fibre will help businesses to fulfill their objectives while also ensuring that their private networks run as efficiently as possible.
Benefits of dark fibre
1. Scalable bandwidth
This solution gives complete control and flexibility over the network, allowing it to scale up as bandwidth requirements expand – effectively delivering unlimited performance and capacity.
2. Privacy and security
The network is entirely devoted to a single company and is never shared. The network is completely private and protects a company from any potential cyberattacks.
3. Route diversity
Network route diversity is crucial for corporate protection. It can create a dark fibre network that is geographically distinct from other routes that are currently in use. This enhances safety as it creates a backup network.
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