When bulk bags are handled with care, they last longer. Bulk bags are an excellent choice for any company that wants to store or move large quantities of product. When purchasing these useful products, ensure that you choose a company that has the highest level of quality and have met regulatory requirements for design, transportation and storage.
Ways to handle bulk bags safely
1. Lifting
Before moving the bulk bag, check for visible damage to the loops or handles. Make sure that the current forklifts or lifting mechanisms used are rated to handle the weight of the filled bulk bag. When suspending them, use all of the lifting loops or handles provided. Verify that all of the loops are vertical and not twisted.
When lifting bulk bags, it is easier to steer the forklift forks into the loops if you approach the bag straight ahead rather than from an angle, aligning the front and back loop centres with each fork.
2. Storage
When you receive a shipment of bulk bags, make a clean, dry location for them – preferably out of the sun. This will protect the bags from severe weather, sunlight damage and other hazards that could jeopardise their durability and reliability.
Try using corrugated paper pallets instead of wood pallets to help protect the pallets from scuffing and contamination. You may store your bulk bags outside, but they can degrade if exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light for an extended period of time. UV inhibitors can be applied to the bags’ woven fabric, but they do not last forever.
3. Stacking
When piling bulk bags on pallets, make sure the pallets are wider than the foundation of the bag. To ensure optimal stability, use a pyramid or assisted stacking approach. Each bag in a pyramid stack is positioned squarely and evenly distributed among four lower bags, creating a triangular shape.
These measures will contribute to the protection of your company’s bulk bags and increase the durability of the bulk bags, lowering costs and risk and protecting your company from harm or damage while working.
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